Episode #12 Young Carers Take Over with Peter Dine

This week, on the Reverse Rett Podcast, 18-year-old A Level student, Peter Dine who is brother to not one, but two young women with Rett Syndrome, speaks to fellow Rett siblings from Washington State to the East Coast of Scotland in celebration of Young Carer’s Action Day 2021.
From the moment they first realised their sibling was different, to the additional anxieties of Covid; from the rage of social inequality to being the one calling 999 and guiding the ambulance home, this is an enlightening episode for special needs parents everywhere.
Huge thanks to Peter, Riley, Angus, Naomi, Finlay for sharing their stories so openly. Big respect to them and all the Young Carers out there whose lives have been inextricably altered by this experience. We hear you and it matters.
Reverse Rett
#MakingChangeHappen for children and adults with #RettSyndrome