Martynka conquers the Crown of Polish Mountains for Reverse Rett


It’s always amazing to see people with Rett Syndrome taking on fundraising challenges rather than sitting watching others. The nature of the condition makes it incredibly difficult and very rare.

So we would like to tell you about 6 year old, Martynka from Gdansk in Poland.

In less than a year, Martynka has become the first disabled person to conquer The Crown of Polish Mountains.

The Crown of Polish Mountains was created in 1997 and the challenge is to climb 28 peaks, one in each mountain range in Poland. Martynka had her mum, Agata with her on all the climbs and had family and friends, some climbing and some supporting from the valleys. Her 5 year old brother climbed 8 of the peaks all by himself!

Her mum, Agata Mrozowska, explains more “Martynka may have Rett Syndrome but she is very bright and loves adventures. It took us less than a year to achieve our goal of Martynka reaching all of the 28 peaks which make up the ‘Crown of Polish Mountains.’

We did a total of 271km, over 15,000m of elevation and spent 40 days in the mountains. We used a variety of accessories and modes of transport to make sure Martynka was able to reach all of the summits. Three of them were reached using her specialist all-terrain one wheeled chair, four using a bike trailer with skis, two by bike with a trailer and the rest with her on my back in a child carrier.

We also endured all types of weather, cold, snow, rain and thunderstorms.

I single-handedly got Martynka onto 13 of the peaks and we also had Polish mountaineer, Kacper Tekieli help us reach the highest Polish Peak, Rhsy. Kacper was tragically killed recently in the Alps. We will never forget him and shows why it’s important to live our best lives everyday.

Thanks to the generosity of our family and friends we were able to raise £4000 for Reverse Rett.

Through this challenge we have shown that anything is possible. The effort was a testament to the strength of people. People who care, people who appreciate and people with a cause.

Martynka, I hope that your eyes were satisfied with the stunning views. ❤️

I will always remember those amazing hours, you are incredibly brave. Your singing and gently tapping of your hands around my neck gave me courage in the mist of the afternoon empty forest

The moral of this story is that you may not be able to walk but you can still reach the ends of the world.”

What a truly amazing story, totally inspirational.

Huge thank you to Martynka and her wonderful family and friends for taking on this challenge to enrich their lives and raise vital funds and awareness for Reverse Rett and Rett Syndrome.