Research Advisory Board

The purpose of the Reverse Rett Research Advisory Board is to ensure that the research we fund at Reverse Rett meets the highest scientific and ethical standards. After a proposal has been through external peer review, the Research Advisory Board reviews the proposal and external peer reviews, as well as any subsequent exchange between applicants and external peer reviewers


After individual and group review, the Committee then provides cohesive feedback to the Board of Trustees of Reverse Rett. Their main role is to ensure that any work they recommend for funding meets AMRC research standards and aligns with the Reverse Rett Research Strategy.

The Reverse Rett Research Advisory Board comprises of professionals, including scientists, researchers and independent industry experts as well as patient voice representatives.

Reverse Rett Research Advisory Board

Dr. David Greatrex  Chair

Mrs Louise Wainwright  Animal Welfare Officer
Deputy Bioscience Support Facility Manager
Nottingham Trent University
Independent Drug Development and Regulatory Affairs Consultant
M Regulatory Affairs Ltd

John H. Sharpe, Chairman Reverse Rett Non-voting member    

Dr. Jatinder Singh, Independent Scientific Advisor

Joanna Tomlin, Patient Voice