Reverse Rett Big Give: Is change possible?

Those who have been around in the Rett community for a few years will remember when the Reverse Rett tagline was ‘change is possible.’ Now that gene therapy trials are underway, it’s easy to forget there was a time when we all needed to be reminded of the power of science and research. That despite the difficulties we all face in our day to day lives with Rett, there are and were people working behind the scenes all the time to try to make the future brighter.
We used the ‘Change is possible’ tagline for our Reverse Rett campaign for a few years as well, to encourage people to save loose change, swap it at the CoinStar and then donate on the Big Give Christmas Challenge on the day. This worked extremely well. On our best Big Give year ever, we had very few large donations but many, many smaller amounts, made up from what people were able to save in an old teapot, jam jar or in one of our change is possible cardboard boxes.
Although not as many people have loose change post covid, with the cost of living crisis going on, it’s not as easier now to save money and certainly more difficult to give it away. So rather than asking our supporters to make donations this year, we’re asking you once again, could you just start saving any loose change you have, early, and then donate that to us on the day. Whatever you have, whether you have to go shake all your jacket pockets or put your hand down the side of the sofa, please find a container and drop it in there and donate it to Reverse Rett on the Big Give day.
This year, we are raising Big Give funds to keep the CIPP Rett Centre going. The CIPP Rett Centre is a lifeline for UK families of children, young people and adults with Rett Syndrome and related disorders. This clinic is not funded by the NHS but provides essential management of this poorly understood condition, taking care of some of the UK’s most complex patients. They also conduct clinical research and trials. Without your help we cannot keep the Centre going. Please do help if you can.
Think: Do you know any local businesses where they would be happy to have a pot for you to collect just prior to the Big Give? Please let us know and we will send one out to you? Thank you!