Reverse Rett 365 Club

Impacting Rett Syndrome research 365 days a year

The Reverse Rett 365 Club offers the opportunity to win fantastic cash prizes each month whilst impacting efforts to deliver treatments and a cure for Rett Syndrome at the
same time.

Rett Syndrome affects families every single day, which is why we’ve chosen to be a 365 Club
– making change happen for those with Rett Syndrome every single day of the year.

For £5 entry a month, members will be in with a chance of winning 20%, 10% or 5% of the
total funds raised in that month.

With full membership, this makes the top prize a fantastic £365.

Find out more and become part of the 365 Club

Latest news

  • Do you know someone with Rett syndrome who has died? 

    Do you know someone with Rett syndrome who has died? 

    Whilst this is a difficult topic to talk about, as part of our work
  • How you can help on Rare Disease Day

    How you can help on Rare Disease Day

    Rare Disease Day takes place on the rarest of days, 29th Feb on a
  • Who do you know and how can they help? 

    Who do you know and how can they help? 

    It’s not easy gaining wider support when you’re a rare disease charity.  We rely on