CIPP Rett Centre


The CIPP Rett Centre cares for patients with Rett syndrome of all ages, from all over the UK.

Paediatric referrals must be made through the patient’s NHS consultant. This could be a paediatrician, neurologist or other consultant.

Please download the referral form here.

Referrals for patients over the age of 18 can be made by the patient’s doctor or through Reverse Rett. Please email us for more information: [email protected]

The CIPP Rett Centre (Centre for Interventional Paediatric Psychopharmacology in Rett Syndrome) is the only national service of its kind that provides holistic care and treatment of Rett Syndrome across the life-span.


The CIPP Rett Centre specialises in assessing and managing emotional, behavioural and autonomic dysregulation (EBAD) and personalised care using pharmacogenomics and biometric sensor-based physiological data. These enable the CIPP Rett Centre team to clarify the diagnostic status of patients and then to initiate evidence-based and personalised treatment plans. They provide frequent monitoring and support to optimise treatment.

    CIPP Referral Form


    For questions about the service or further information about referral, please email [email protected]

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